St. Patrick’s College Ballarat 1972 – 1973 – A Call For Witnesses
Ryan Carlisle Thomas is working on behalf of a plaintiff in an institutional abuse civil proceeding in the Supreme Court of Victoria. He alleges he
Ryan Carlisle Thomas is working on behalf of a plaintiff in an institutional abuse civil proceeding in the Supreme Court of Victoria. He alleges he
On 3 April 2023 the former principal of the Adass Israel School, Malka Leifer, was found guilty of child sexual abuse and rape by a
RCT Law can assist survivors with claims involving school abuse and has done so for many years. Sexual abuse by teachers, other members of school
Our abuse law team can assist survivors with claims involving abuse in religious institutions or by people connected with those institutions, and has done so
Another coverup of child sexual abuse has been discovered, this time involving the Ballarat Orphanage. The ABC Background Briefing program has revealed that the superintendent
RCT Law has written to the Victorian Attorney-General recently seeking reform of certain provisions of the Corrections Act 1986 (Vic) which we believe have the
We continue to see an increase in reports of allegations of abuse in the context of schools – an environment where society expects and demands
RCT Law is acting for for a client who alleges to have been abused by a teacher during the 1960s and 1970 in Victoria. We
There is a dark history of abuse of vulnerable Victorian children in The Salvation Army. For many decades, The Salvation Army ran the Box Hill
Lawyers in Victoria have worked out a legal means of winning compensation cases for former child migrants. Several cases involving former child migrants have now
All Australians are being invited to have their say about designs for a National Memorial dedicated to victims of child sexual abuse. On 22 October
A recent Victorian case in which a man has been awarded more than $1.5 million for school child sex abuse gives real hope to survivors
A recent Victorian case in which a man has been awarded more than $1.5 million for school child sex abuse gives real hope to survivors
There is finally good news for the post-war child migrants who attended the Northcote Farm School at Bacchus Marsh. A landmark Victorian settlement has recently
The plight of abuse survivor David Francis, as covered by ABC News, highlights the grave failures of the National Redress Scheme for survivors of sexual
While a new Redress Scheme has been set up to compensate police for sexual abuse and harassment, it may not be your best option for
One step closer to justice for child sex abuse survivors In a positive move forward, an Israeli Court has ruled that former Melbourne school principal,
In a positive step forward for survivors of abuse in Queensland, the State Government has passed new laws which make it an offence for clergy
Hundreds of survivors who have applied for financial redress through the National Redress Scheme are having to wait months while the organisations against whom the
This is a reminder for those who suffered abuse in the Australian Defence Force (‘Defence Force’) and wish to make an application for a reparation payment.
A former law student of the Australian National University was recently awarded damages of $420,000 by the ACT Supreme Court (‘John’s Case’) after having been
From the outside, Holy Family Primary School and Doveton Parish seemed to be your regular primary school and parish throughout the 1960s to late 1990s.
Scout leaders are among the worst perpetrators of abuse in the Australian sports and recreational sector. In this blog, we identify some of the worst scout
Unfortunately, the Ballarat Diocese stands in a league of its own when it comes to the sexual and physical abuse horrors that took place within
How and why is Parkville Youth Justice Centre still standing and will it continue to do so indefinitely? It has been widely reported that the
RCT Law has recently settled a compensation claim for a man who was abused as a student and boarder at St. Patrick’s College in Sale
Geelong Grammar School, once renowned for its exceptional teaching staff and prestigious alumni, has in the past few years grappled with the less flattering association
Trinity Grammar has come under the spotlight recently, after allegations were made against four of its teachers of child sexual abuse occurring in the 1970s. We act
What you need to know before claiming under the National Redress Scheme Because of the limitations on payments within the Redress Scheme, most people who
The Commonwealth Government’s sexual abuse redress scheme has now been operating since 1 July 2018 and we’ve learnt something already. Payments are assessed under a
A recent investigation undertaken by the Age has revealed that the Catholic Church currently owns real estate and other assets in Australia to the estimated
Update on the Commonwealth’s response to child abuse As the Commonwealth Government’s Redress scheme continues to be debated, we address a question that many clients
Last week, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (‘the Royal Commission’) made a recommendation, that the “seal of the confessional” within
Duty of care strengthened New Victorian laws have been introduced that will make it easier to establish that certain organisations owe a duty of care towards
In institutional and sexual abuse, what is the difference between a civil claim and a criminal case? Do survivors need to report their allegations of
There has been a distinct lack of details provided about the Commonwealth led compensation scheme since it was announced by Malcolm Turnbull in November last
Over the past four years, Ryan Carlisle Thomas has received a large number of enquiries from members of the public who were sexually abused during
Royal Commission hearings into Child Sexual Abuse As the Royal Commission’s hearings into the child protection practices and policies of various church bodies continue, and
Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse Christian Brothers underpaid survivors of sexual abuse because they believed they were “going to be taken to the cleaners”,
The Royal Commission continued its investigations this week into the current policies and procedures of Catholic Church in Australia with an even more persistent analysis
Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse hearings One of the many useful functions performed by the Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse has been the
Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse hearings The current practices and procedures of the Catholic Church have been under intense scrutiny over the past two
Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse hearings What is an appropriate screening process for lay persons wishing to enter a Catholic religious order, especially one
The public has called on the Victorian State Government to get tough on youth crime following rioting by residents at Victoria’s Parkville and Malmsbury youth
Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse hearings Today marked the start of a hearing which will examine the current policies and procedures of the Catholic
Victoria’s Police chief commissioner, Graham Ashton, has said it is likely that the police will issue an apology to survivors of institutional child sex abuse
Father Gerald Ridsdale appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court today, 20 January 2017, via videolink from prison. Ridsdale appeared for a mention hearing regarding allegations
Institutions now forced to disclose documents A new Bill has been introduced into Parliament which will reverse the onus of proof so that entities that
Melbourne Response payments to rise from $75,000 to $150,000 The Archdiocese of Melbourne today announced that the compensation cap for survivors of abuse will be
In announcing a Commonwealth-led compensation scheme for survivors of institutional sexual abuse yesterday, Social Services Minister Christian Porter said the scheme would be fair, simple
Brother Robert Charles Best appeared before the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on Friday 4 November via video link from Ararat prison. He pleaded guilty to further
In announcing a Commonwealth-led compensation scheme for survivors of institutional sexual abuse yesterday, Social Services Minister Christian Porter said the scheme would be fair, simple
Survivors of abuse to get up to $150,000 More than 13 months after the release of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual
Robert Burnett, the 77-year-old former employee of the Salvation Army who worked at Bayswater Boys’ Home, has been sentenced to 18 and a half years
Report on Turana, Baltara and Winlaton released The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has released a report detailing its findings from
A report released this week by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (“the Commission”) has delivered findings critical of the response
Many people are aware that institutions such as government departments, businesses and religious bodies can be sued for damages for personal injury. What’s less known
The evidence of Bishop Brian Finnigan, former priest from the Diocese of Ballarat and current Auxiliary Bishop of Brisbane, was under scrutiny today at the
Case Study 35 of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse resumed today with an investigation into the abhorrent sexual abuse of
Court rules school “directly liable” for abuse due to the extent of power and control given to the perpetrator Hadassa Erlich, a victim of sexual
A former resident of the Victorian children’s institution Winlaton has given evidence of sexual abuse and forced group counselling programs known as “triads” to the
Three ex-residents of the former Victorian government-run youth institution Turana have told of the physical, psychological and sexual abuse they experienced in state care to
A week into Royal Commission public hearings in Ballarat, a sexual abuse health expert gave compelling evidence on the pervasive effects of child sexual and
Children abused while living in the care of two well-known Catholic orders are having their stories recorded by the Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Child
It’s time the Government set up a compensation fund. On 16 November 2009, former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologised to Forgotten Australians and to the
Our usual Blog authors are lawyers employed by Ryan Carlisle Thomas and/or its associated entity, Stringer Clark.
From time to time, we may also publish blogs authored by other staff members or guest bloggers. Where this is the case, it will be made clear. Any advice applies to Victorian State law as at the date of first publication. The information is a general guide only and is not a substitute for legal advice applicable to a user’s own circumstances.
Residents of other Australian States or Territories or countries are advised to seek legal advice from a lawyer practising in their own area, as laws may vary from region to region.