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> Lump Sum WorkCover Compensation

Lump sums are an important aspect of workers’ compensation, providing financial support for individuals who suffer permanent impairments due to work-related injuries or illnesses. To qualify for a lump sum payment, the injury must be deemed permanent, resulting in lasting effects on a person’s physical or mental abilities. The claim process typically begins once the injury has stabilised, allowing for a comprehensive assessment by a specially accredited doctor, evaluating the severity and impact of the impairment, assigning it an impairment rating. The compensation amount is directly correlated with the assessed impairment level, with higher ratings resulting in greater payments.

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We believe legal help should be available in close proximity to where our clients live and work. In association with our sister firm, Stringer Clark, Ryan Carlisle Thomas provides expert legal advice across more than a dozen offices spread across metropolitan and regional Victoria. Throughout this network, we’ve fought for our clients and achieved successful results in more than 100,000 cases.

Call us on 1300 366 441 for a free, no-obligation and confidential first appointment.