Our Approach to handling Family Law matters
We offer a holistic and supporting process involving collaboration with support service and professional colleagues to ensure that your legal, emotional and financial concerns are addressed in tandem. We pride ourselves on taking that extra step and have created information packs for our clients, known as “Empowerment Packs”.
These Empowerment Packs are forwarded to clients at the commencement of our journey together, with information included to help ensure that our clients are empowered with knowledge of their legal options, provided guidance to relevant support services and have helpful tips and resources to deal with your new terrain included.
Legal Fees
Unlike other departments in our firm, our Family Law Department is not eligible for our unique No Win, No Fee OR Expenses* policy. This is because there are no winners or losers in Family Law, only the pursuit of a fair and equitable outcome for all parties involved.
Our legal fees are explained upfront, with costs discussed throughout each stage of your case to minimise misunderstanding or discomfort. We explain your legal fees clearly and offer payment plans and deferred payment options in line with your financial circumstances.
We seek at all times to resolve matters in an amicable, timely and cost effective manner. Mediation and negotiated outcomes are preferred but should your matter need to be issued in Court, we have the experience and connections with Barristers to ensure your representation is of the highest order.
We understand the first step of seeking legal advice can be daunting but we are here to support you, and our team of caring, committed and courageous lawyers are ready to help. Your initial appointment is conducted by the Partner of our Family Law Department, which is a free-of-charge appointment with no obligation to retain us. This allows you to obtain sound legal advice and discuss legal costs without concern.
Our values as a firm
A family breakdown is traumatic enough. The legal process doesn’t have to be. We are committed to your wellbeing as much as a great end result. It is our mission to resolve your dispute amicably and efficiently with what’s best for you front and centre. We stand with you.
Our team of caring, committed and courageous lawyers are here to give you the appropriate advice for your individual circumstances, and look forward to working with you to remedy your situation.