WorkCover can be complex.
We field hundreds of questions from our clients about their WorkCover claims. Over time, we’ve seen that there are a number of questions that come up again and again.
I’ve listed some of these questions and tips below. Keep them in mind while you are on or in the middle of your WorkCover compensation claim. They could save you a lot of pain.
Your doctor, your choice
- You have the right to be treated by the doctor of your choice. You do not have to agree to be treated by a doctor approved by your employer or public hospital if you don’t want to. Your treatment is your choice.
You can claim travel costs
- WorkSafe is responsible for reasonable travel costs incurred when undergoing medical treatment or rehabilitation.
- If claiming taxi expenses, have the WorkCover insurer approve them first. If you drive, record km travelled and submit details to the insurer for payment.
Get the paperwork right on your WorkCover claim
- Ensure the details on the reverse side of the medical certificate are complete and accurate, otherwise the insurer might not pay your weekly payments.
- The insurer can take up to 28 days to respond to certain treatment or service requests. You may refer the matter to conciliation after that time period.
- You have the right to request copies of any medical reports obtained by the insurer about your claim.
- Keep a diary of the impact your injury has on your day-to-day life and activities, including the impact on your ability to participate in any sporting activities and hobbies.
Planning to be on holidays for more than 28 days?
- Usually, WorkCover medical certificates you obtain from your doctor run for a period of 28 days. If you intend to be away longer than 28 days and therefore won’t be able to obtain an update certificate within this time, permission to obtain a medical certificate that covers a longer period can be obtained from the insurer.
Your boss goes out of business. Or you’re made redundant. What then?
- If your employer ceases to operate, your WorkCover entitlements will not be affected. You may become a direct payee of the Insurer.
- A redundancy or severance lump sum will usually not affect payments. But, before resigning from your employment, you should seek advice from a lawyer to ensure things go as smoothly as possible for you.